Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lovely Evening

I don't know how many of us "middle agers" actually realise how lucky we are to meet and get to know an entirely different set of folks.  REALLY...think about it.  We can have dinner and meet couples with no rush or preconceived notion that we actually have to like them if we don't...i.e the spouse of a work friend; the college roommates new girlfriend....the parents of our children's friends.

Steve and I had a lovely evening with a couple that we happened to meet in the Red Lobster and shared a meal with months ago.  That too, was a great evening and the thought that we would actually start a friendship was just "hazy".  You really never know...HOWEVER, they reached out to us again and we had a great time getting to know people who share lots of our same values and life experiences.  God really does know when to put new folks in our paths.

I know that I am a seed planter, but to see a harvest like a new friend makes my heart smile!

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